視覺與產品設計師的想像力個人特質差異之研究 / The Similarities and Differences Between Visual and Product Designers’ Personal Characteristics of Imagination among Design Processes

黃英修 Yinghsiu Huang, 謝宗哲 Tsungche Hsieh, 李奕容 Yi-jung Lee


自古以來有文字或圖像的記載,就有想像力的存在。然而,可能有些人認為想像力是天馬行空的,必需摒棄一切常規及限制,才能形成真正的想像力。在不同的領域中,想像力都具備相當重要的角色,Bauhaus 建築學院鼓勵建築工程與藝術結合,要求學生運用想像力進行建築設計;考古學家從殘磚碎瓦中透過想像力,重建建築或是物體的全貌;畫家則以想像的觀點,來描繪世界。因此本研究主要的問題在於,在視覺設計及產品設計中,有那些個人特質的因子會促發想像力的形成?本研究將透過文獻,整理出與個人特質有關的想像力因子,共十個形容詞組,透過語意差異法將十組個人的特質因子,以單一樣本t檢定、各設計階段之配對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、最後以因子分析歸納出較重要的因子特徵,並同時比較四個不同設計階段,視覺設計師與產品設計師之間個人特質想像力因子的差異。

Imagination plays a key role in various domains in helping to create innovative ideas, drawings, poems, movies, products...etc. In both visual and product design domains, the personal characteristics of imagination are crucial abilities for conceiving novel ideas during design processes. This study focuses on personal characteristic differences and similarities between visual and product design designers for triggering imagination during four design stages. Using the semantic differential (SD) method, this study conducted a questionnaire with 10-paired personal characteristics, and analyzed several identical and different characteristics of visual and product designers in the process of product design. In sum, the similarities and differentials of personal characteristics between visual and product designers within 4 product design stages are concluded at the end of this paper. 




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