圖標呈現對使用者喜好度的影響初探 / A preliminary study on presentation of graphical icons affect with viewers’ preference

林萱 Hsuan Lin, 謝毓琛 Yu-Chen Hsieh


本研究在探討不同的圖標呈現對使用者喜好度的影響,實驗設計分為兩階段,第 一階段圖標調查與分析:結果發現圖標呈現主要是由圖標構成、極性與圖標邊 框所組成,圖標構成可分成線構成與面構成,極性可分為正極與負極、邊框則可分 為有邊框與無邊框,經排列組合並排除 2 種不可能的模式後,可組成 6 種不同的呈 現模式,分別為:M1(線構成/正極/有邊框)、M2(面構成/正極/有邊框)、 M3(線構成/負極/有邊框)、M4(面構成/負極/有邊框)、M5(線構成/正 極/無邊框)、M6(面構成/正極/無邊框)。第二階段圖標呈現喜好度評估:透 過眼球追蹤儀偵測研究參與者觀看不同圖標呈現的第一眼的凝視點位置次數,與主 觀喜好度評分,以了解圖標呈現對使用者喜好度的影響。36 位研究參與者觀看 30 組刺激物,以前述六種圖標呈現模式同時展現;並透過眼球追蹤儀加以記錄。將研 究參與者的第一眼凝視點位置次數與主觀喜好度評分進行統計分析。研究結果顯示 (M4) 面構成配合負極與有邊框的圖標呈現是喜好度的最佳組合;線構成配合正極與 無邊框 (M5) 的圖標呈現是喜好度的最差組合。研究結果可作為介面設計師在設計圖 標時的參考。 



This study aimed to explore how different presentation modes of graphical icons affect the viewer's preference. The research separates 2 stages. First stage, investigation and analysis of icon presentation modes: as indicated by the nding, presentation modes consist of three main features: icon composition, polarity, and border. Through permutation and combination, six presentation modes were obtained as follows: M1 (line / positive polarity / border), M2 (plane / positive polarity / border), M3 (line / negative polarity / border), M4 (plane / negative polarity / border), M5 (line / positive polarity / no border), and M6 (plane / positive polarity / no border). Second stage, experiment of icon presentation modes on user’s preference: thirty-six participants were required to watch thirty stimuli, or graphical icons, presented concurrently in six above mentioned modes. The number of initial xations was recorded by eye tracker; meanwhile, subjective evaluation of preference was conducted and analyzed. As indicated by the experimental results, the icons presented in M4 attracted the most attention; in contrast, the icons presented in M5 attracted the least attention. The ndings herein can be used as a reference by interface designers while icons are being designed. 






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