以榨汁機的使用來探討前期產品經驗中感官之重要度 / A User Experience Case Study on the Sensory Importance at the Early Stage of Using Juice Squeezer

何俊亨 Chun-Heng Ho, 陳乃鳯 Nai-Feng Chen


使用者透過所有感官與產品互動,在每次的產品經驗中各感官所扮演的角色和重要度會隨著不同使用時期而有所改變。本研究根基於Fenko 等人(2010) 的研究,針對產品經驗中的使用前期( 一個月),透過質性方法( 觀察法、訪談法、日記法),探討四位受測者使用電動榨汁機榨汁之情形,並與相關文獻對照討論感官角色於不同使用時期之轉變,以及影響感官重要度之因素。


Users build up their product experiences through all senses. Among each product using experience, the sensory importance change through time at different stage of using it. In the study, we base on Fenko et al.’s study (2010) and use three qualitative methods (observations, interviews, and diaries) to gather more detailed information from four female participants about the early stage of product usage, which is the key period for a user to evaluate a product.The participants are asked to squeeze juice with an electric juicer for a month and then the multisensory experiences and sensory dominance are discussed. The role of each sense and its importance would change through time. The results suggest that vision is the most important sense when participants getting familiar with the product. However, the importance of each sense changes right at the first time of operation. Touch, which is related to the main function of the product, raises its importance. Also, emotions and associations evoked by senses are very likely to affect the importance of each sense. Most emotions and associations are evoked at the early days because once after participants gain expertise with the task they would get used to the stimuli and have less feeling about them. However, they are more likely to find out problems or have further findings about the product and change their evaluations. After one month, some participants even report that they have the feeling like old friends with the product. 


多感官產品經驗; 感官重要度; 產品互動




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