行動裝置圖標之設計風格分類與探討/Design Elements and Design Style of Mobile App Icons

何俊亨 Chun-Heng Ho, 侯愷均 Kai-Chun Hou




Application software (app) for smartphones and tablets has become a necessity in everyday life. Millions of apps have been developed worldwide, but one feature they all have in common is that they are all identified by a unique icon. The aim of this study was to investigate what relationship of visual features and design style conclude the attractive icon. To evaluate the design elements of app icons, the KJ method and QT- III were employed to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses. It was suggested that visual elements of app icons derive from 5 design features and 23 design elements and that three characteristics, concrete-abstract, detailed-general and object decorated-role designed, decide skeuomorphic (specific features design style & object decorated design style), flat design (abstract characteristic design style), character style and role design style.






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