觸覺體驗教材與兒童創造力之初探 / A Primary Exploration on Teaching Materials for Tactile Experience and Children's Creativity

馬敏元 Min-Yuan Ma, 劉素瑜 Su-Yu Liu


兒童時期是創造力啟發的黃金時期,而增加兒童生活中的五感體驗,亦有助於 創造力的提昇。然而,在加強感官體驗的各種創造力研究之中,觸覺體驗是在 兒童時期十分關鍵、卻容易被忽略的。因此,本研究目的係以提出觸覺體驗教材並 探討視觸不同體驗之順序對創造力啟發是否造成差異與影響。本研究針對國小一年 級的學生規劃三個教學實驗,包含溫濕感、軟硬壓覺、粗細度。在教學的前、後, 以陶倫斯創造思考測驗(Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking,TTCT)進行量測 並以ANOVA 及成對T 檢定進行分析。結果發現如下:(1) 觸覺優先教材的確能提昇 兒童的創造力,體驗順序為觸覺─視覺的實驗組在測驗前、後的創造力總分差異達 到顯著(ρ= .037 < .05); (2) 標題力的提昇(ρ = .0115 < .05):體驗過程中教材提 供契機促使兒童表達感受,並將觸覺經驗轉譯成語彙的能力; (3) 開放力的提昇(ρ = .011 < .05):在教學中思想保持開放,豐富兒童的觸覺生活經驗,並幫助兒童建 立多元的思考方式。藉此,本研究之觸覺體驗教材對兒童創造力的啟發,因視覺、 觸覺體驗先後順序不同而呈現不同探索效果。其中,先觸覺後視覺的體驗學習安排, 在避免了視覺經驗的覆蓋下,能使學生接受觸覺刺激的學習體驗,亦維持兒童探索 的學習的可能。 


Childhood is the golden age to enlighten one’s creativity, and it is benefit to strengthen children’s creativity by increasing the experiences of the senses in their childhood. However, the tactile experiences are important but easily neglected from the most researches of senses and perception for childhood. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design a set of tactile teaching materials and to discuss its effect on children’s creativity. The experiments are divided to three topics, including dry/moist, soft/hard, and smooth/rough, there were three 1st grade classes joined this program. TTCT (Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking) was taken to measure children’s creativity, and the scores of creativity was analyzed through ANOVA and Paired Sample t-test. The results show as follows: (1) It is significant by the Paired Sample t-test t, it shows that the tactile-first teaching materials shows could be considered having positive progress to children’s creativity (ρ = .037 < .05). (2) Increasing the ability of abstractness of titles(ρ = .0115 < .05): In the experience in the tactile-first teaching, children try to turn all tactile feeling into description, this teaching materials could be considered creating a chance to encourage children to express their own feeling into words (abstractness of titles). (3) Increasing the ability of resistance to premature closure (ρ = .011 < .05): In the experience in the tactile-first teaching, this teaching materials could enrich children’s tactile experience, let them start to build up a habit of diverse thinking rather than end up the question rashly. As a consequence, it is found that tactile-first teaching materials could help for inspiring children’s creativity by arranging different teaching order of senses. The order in tactile experience, tactile-first that children only touching the object without seeing, this did provide a chance to focus on the channel of tactile, and might keep their exploring for learning by arrangement for the order of teaching materials.


兒童培育; 創造力啟發; 觸覺體驗; 國小生活課程




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