友伴動物與機器寵物對人際互動之影響/Effects of Companion Pets on Interpersonal Interactions

黃瀅伃 Ying-Yu, Huang, 游曉貞 Hsiao-Chen, You


機器寵物與人工智慧技術的發展日漸成熟,涉及人與機器寵物之間社交互動的 感性議題也漸漸被關注。而國外針對友伴動物的研究指出,動物的友伴特質 (Companion)除了帶給牠的飼主娛樂與陪伴外,也具備社交催化劑之效果,可促 進他人與飼主產生社交互動。因此,在思考機器寵物與人的社交互動或感性設計時, 不應僅侷限於機器寵物與其使用者之間的人機互動,更可延伸探討如何透過感性設 計的方法論,讓使用者能夠藉由機器寵物的友伴特質來促進使用者與週遭環境中的 人們互動,以建立期望中的社交關係 。因此,本研究企圖以實驗設計來檢視友伴動 物是否對國人也有社交催化的效應;更進一步探索機器寵物能否達到類似友伴動物 的社交催化效應以增進使用者的社交互動。本研究利用真狗與人造狗為實驗道具進 行兩階段的實驗:第一階段是為驗證寵物狗或機器狗對國人社交互動影響之有無, 四位實驗者於日常活動中分別在:無狗陪伴、寵物狗陪伴及絨毛機器狗陪伴三種不 同條件下,連續五天以羅徹斯特互動紀錄量表進行與他人互動情形記錄;結果發現 寵物狗確可作為社交催化劑來促進他人與實驗者之互動,提升社交互動的次數、互 動時間長度;但絨毛機器狗對人際互動之影響則不顯著。第二階段則為釐清不同形 式的機器狗作為社交催化劑的效果,由一位實驗者於每週固定時間,分別在學校辦 公室、公車站前及蛋糕店三處地點,以無狗陪伴、絨毛機器狗陪伴及智慧機器狗陪 伴三種條件下,紀錄與他人互動情形,每種組合各兩次,每次30 分鐘,共計十八次 實驗。除了實驗者主動記錄他與路人的互動情形外,另一位記錄者也從旁進行紀錄 及觀察。紀錄經統計分析後顯示,操控機器狗的外觀、材質、功能等變項,對其社 交催化效果的影像並不顯著;反倒是,實驗進行場所對社交催化的影響較大。


Foreign studies have shown that companion animals can act as catalysts to promote human social interaction. With the rapid progress of robotics technologies, robotic pets have emerged in the market to offer services, such as companionship and socializing purposes. Under these considerations, this study adopted the experimental design to explore whether or not pet dogs can serve as social catalysts to facilitate interpersonal interaction in our current society, and to explore whether or not the social catalysis effect can be achieved when robotic dogs replace real pets. The investigation is divided into two stages: in the first stage, whether or not pet dogs or robotic dogs have an impact on the people’s social interactions was explored. In the second stage, the effect of robotic dogs that vary in appearance, material, and function, as well as other external factors used as mediums to promote interpersonal interactions was clarified. The results showed that pet dogs indeed could serve as social catalysts that promote the peoples’ interpersonal interactions and increase the frequency and the duration of social interaction. The best results were seen especially among close friends. However, the catalysis effect of robotic dogs was not significant in this study. Instead, the effect of different venues on the social interaction was more significant.


友伴動物; 機器寵物; 社交互動; 社交催化; 修訂羅徹斯特互動記錄量表




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