應用Kano品質模式探討使用者短視頻體驗魅力屬性——以抖音為例/Applying Kano Model to explore the attractive Attributes of users' experience of short Video – A Case Study of Tik Tok APP

冯裕良 FENG YULIANG, 陳俊智 Chun-chin Chen, 吳淑明 Shu-Ming Wu




At present, there are more than 1.5 billion users of vibrato in the world, and 320 million active users in a day, forming a wave of Tik tok .This study uses the EGM to explore the charm experience of users on short-trembling short videos .Kano quality mode was introduced to explore the user's different quality needs and differences of short video. Through interviews with experts and experienced users, design experience questionnaires to collect relevant data.Firstly, the factors of vibrato user experience are summarized through factor analysis: emotion, interaction and usability. Secondly, by applying the Kano two-dimensional quality regression analysis method, the 20 experience items are classified into different quality types: attractive quality, unitary quality, and indiscriminate quality.The three qualities indicate that the user has different linear and non-linear relationships between the quality and preference of the short video experience. Clarify the different needs of users for the quality of short video audio experience, recognize the factors that affect user preferences, and have improved the design and provided reference values for future short video audio apps to help designers effectively improve user preferences.



短影音、評價構造法、Kano模式、使用者體驗、愉悅、Tik tok




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