男性保養品包裝容器之色彩與材質屬性對消費者感性偏好的影響 / The Effects of Color and Texture on Consumers' Affective Satisfaction on Container Designs for Male Skin Care Products

陳俊智 Chun-Chih Chen, 莊明振 Ming-Chuen Chuan, 林佩如 Pei-Ru Lin


商品包裝設計之情感屬性,是影響消費者滿意與購買決策的關鍵因素之一,伴 隨社會風氣的開放,男性對於購買、使用保養品的觀念日益普及。因此,本 研究藉由感性工學方法的應用,探討男性消費者對於保養品容器的色彩因子、材質 屬性對消費者感性意象評價與偏好評價之影響;同時,應用二維尺度概念之 Kano 品 質模式探討消費者對於保養品容器包裝之感性評價與偏好度之間的不同品質關係。 研究歸納出男性消費者對於保養品容器之評價因子,包括:都會感、自然感與醒目 感等三個構面,且各因子構面對於偏好度評價具備了不同程度的影響力。同時,在 Kano 品質分類的結果,說明各感性屬性項目與偏好度之間確實存在不同線性與非線 性之 Kano 品質分類之關係,藉由 Kano 品質概念可釐清消費者對於男性保養品感性 設計之品質需求差異,提供男性化妝品市場定位、感性屬性項目權衡取捨之參考; 最後,藉由數量化一類分析,建立造形因子與不同 Kano 品質分類之相關性,以找出 影響「一元的」與「魅力的」品質績效之重要造形因子,作為包裝感性品質改善與 消費者滿意度提昇之造形發展的參考依據。

The affective attributes elicited by package design are critical factors in achieving higher consumer satisfaction and purchase intentions. The market growth of male skin care products is progressively increasing, there are more and more men starting to use and buy male skin care products. It is important to understand what kinds of affective attributes men want and like when they are buying those products. In this study, we systematically explore the relationship between color, texture, affective attributes, and affective consumer satisfaction with container designs for male skin care products in use of Kansei engineering. While the two-dimensional Kano model is used to explore the relationships between affective quality performance and consumer preference. Firstly, factor analysis was used to explore the consumers’ perceptions of container designs, from which three main factors: modern factor, natural factor and attention factor were identified. Moreover, each factor has different effects on consumer preference of container designs. Then the Kano’s regression method was conducted. The 10 affective attributes were categorized as different Kano’s classifications, including attractive quality, must-be quality, one-dimensional quality and indifferent quality. Furthermore, three factors could also be classified into different Kano’s classifications. This implies that there exist linear and non-linear relationships between affective attributes performance and consumer preference of container designs for male skin care products. Based on the result of Kano categorization can help designers to better understand consumer requirements, to identify the critical and high-return factors of consumer satisfaction, and to resolve the trade-off dilemma in multiple-criteria decision making. Finally, Quantitative theory type I was used to explore the effect of each form level belonging to each form item on different Kano quality classifications. A parameter utility method based on Kano model is also proposed. The result indicates the critical affective design feature and form attributes for container designs, and it can provide useful insights for package design and for enhancing consumer satisfaction.


保養品; 包裝設計; 感性工學; Kano 品質模式; 男性消費者




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