以使用者生活型態探討時計需求及喜好之研究/A Pilot Study on the Needs and Hobbies of Timepiece based on Lifestyles

陳殿禮 Chen, Tien-Li, 侯君越 Hou, Chun-Yueh, 游全益 You, Cyuan-Yi, 曾柏璁 Tseng, Po-Tsung





This thesis is based on human’s perspective. It discusses about time’s needs and viewpoints of various lifestyles of people. The first section provides an overview of time, lifestyles, semiotic transformations, and function-oriented design by content analysis. The second section discusses about the information of timing products from the interview with a horologist of Puli Clock and Watch Museum. The third section moves on to classify time indications by KJ method. The final section presents the results relating to 307 questionnaires. According to the results, it can help us separate the people into 5 categories and establish design guidelines that fulfill users’ needs. Group Positive’s people like artificial shapes, cold color, and glass. Group Home Leisure’s people like artificial shapes, warm color, wood, ceramics, glass, plastic, and leather. Group Self-Management’s people like natural shapes, leather, wood, and glass. Group Social’s people like neutral color and leather. Group Independent’s people like cold color, neutral color, and ceramics.


生活型態; 時計產品; 產品設計; 設計準則




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