運用感性工學於手機遊戲搖桿體驗之感受與滿意度研究/Applying kansei engineering to explore mobile gaming experience

陳璽任 Hsi-Jen Chen, 陳信榕 Hsin-Jung Chen, 陳語晨 Yu-Chen Chen






Nowadays, smartphones have become the largest gaming platform. With the improvement of the performance of smartphones continuously, the manipulation of mobile games has gradually turned to more horizontal and complicated. It also prompted players to pay more attention to the gaming experience. Nevertheless, based on the previous research results, if the user's expected experience of the user experience can be satisfied, the satisfaction can be improved, and then escalate the willingness to use.

This research invites 38 high-involved players of mobile games to participate in the experiment. In the case of using four kinds of game control medium for MOBA mobile games, the scores of the feelings of each Kansei vocabulary and game satisfaction before and after the game are analyzed.

Finally, the results of this research show that game satisfaction is affected by the feelings of each Kansei vocabulary in the gaming experience, and it is found that by improving the player's game control experience, the game can be improved overall gaming experience.






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產業情報研究所(2018年7月12日)。【遊戲玩家調查系列一】七成五玩家瘋手遊 學生族最熱中。取自https://mic.iii.org.tw/news.aspx?id=494
