在地風土包裝設計之認知性探討 / The Cognition Study on Packaging Design of Terroir Product

黃于庭 HUANG Yu-Ting, 陳俊智 CHEN Chun-chih





In the face of rapid social changes, the local culture is gradually disappearing due to the changes of the times.  With the rise of cultural and creative industries, it has become a trend to promote the development of local industries and cultural enhancement through the attractive local characteristics.  This research takes the packaging of terroir gifts as the object, through qualitative evaluation construction method and quantitative multivariate analysis, to explore consumers' cognition and emotional needs of terroir concept, and through the survey of consumers' leisure style dimension, to explore different leisure styles  The differences in the typicality and preference of terroir packaging among the subjects of morphological traits.  The results of this study show that the characteristics of terroir packaging are: "recognizable, eye-catching, the message conveyed is easy to understand, unique, the packaging shape/form is representative, and the totem/pattern is local terroir.  7 attributes, such as high connectivity between color and terroir, can arouse consumers’ typical perception of terroir packaging, and can also improve consumers’ preference for products. At the same time, the study also pointed out that consumers with different leisure attitudes are considering purchasing terroir.  The preference factors for souvenirs are different, and the research results can provide a reference for future terroir packaging design.






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