聊天機器人性別形塑對使用者信任感受之影響/Gendering Chatbots by Design and Its Impacts on Users Trust towards Shopping Chatbots

游曉貞 Hsiao-Chen You, 陳繹介 Yi-Chieh Chen, 蕭方雯 Fang-Wen Xiao




With the rise of artificial intelligence technology, companies have integrated chatbots into e-commerce marketing services nowadays. With the emergence of a vast number of AI applications, the researchers in HRI have begun to pay attention to the gender issue of AI, hoping to understand the impact of AI gender on users. This study investigates the effects of chatbot gender on user trust in online shopping contexts using a two-stage experimental design. First, this study examined the impact of the visual elements of AI avatars on the user's gender perception in the pilot study. Then, this study conducted a between-subject design experiment to examine how gender factors affect user trust towards shopping chatbots. The results found that gender cues have apparent impacts on the gender perception of chatbots, but the gender of chatbots has very little influence on users' trust towards them; instead, the gender and age of participants have more impact on the user trust.






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