應用品質機能展開探討個人清潔用品容器之綠色設計 / Quality Function Deployment and Green Design Applications on Container Design of Personal Cleaning Products
隨著個人清潔用品的廣泛使用,近年來引發了一系列環境和健康問題,部份清潔用品含有害化學物質,可能會對人體健康和環境造成不良影響,其殘留物如未經過適當處理,對於環境具有破壞性。有鑑於此,本研究參考綠色永續設計準則,以及調查統計相關數據之量化分析,探討使用者需求與設計指標的關聯性,依此量化分析結果,運用於清潔用品容器設計之綠色品質機能展開,進行權重評核與核心活動矩陣展開,做為綠色設計資源的分配依據與設計方針擬定;依研究結果歸納出 14 項設計要項及對應解決方案,提出清潔用品容器創新設計,並通過智財局新型專利申請核准,證明本研究最終綠色設計成果具有一定的可行性。
With the widespread use of personal cleaning products, a series of environmental and health problems have arisen in recent years. Some cleaning products contain harmful chemicals, which may have adverse effects on human health and the environment. If their residues are not properly treated, they will be harmful to the environment. In view of this, this study refers to the green sustainable design principles and statistical related analysis to deconstruct the basic characteristics and correlation strength of the sample. Based on the quantitative analysis results, it applies the industrial design techniques of green quality function development to carry out quality function development. The weight evaluation and core activity matrix extension serve as the basis for the allocation of design resources and the formulation of design goals; based on the research results, 14 design elements and corresponding solutions are summarized, a new design is proposed, and the patent application is approved by the Intellectual Property Bureau.
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