倘使思維敘事性設計結構創作研究以軍事文宣為題 / “What If” Narrative Design Structure Creative Research in Military Publicity
隨著時代推移,結構主義發展,使神話及故事文本能以敘事學角度構成相關理論,由Claude Levi-Strauss所奠定的結構主義,不只影響哲學,也在心理學、人類學、社會學,更在文學藝術有諸多影響。雖然是從文學領域開始發展起,但其表現形式不限制在文學範圍,將敘事性的概念導入設計實務,最後發展出所謂的敘事性設計理論,當代設計以維續人類生存為設計宗旨,研究者期透過敘事性設計與軍事文宣結合,探究創新文宣設計結構。鑑此,研究者首先假設國軍擁有許多傳遞政令文本,並假設國軍以文宣為主要傳遞資訊之載體,後假設國軍文宣對於敘事性設計並未有實際創新及突破作為,透過假設以「倘使思維敘事性設計結構以軍事文宣為題」為核心理論,驗證「假如」角度創生之敘事設計結構主體,並以軍事文宣為客體,探究受眾對於此敘事性設計結構之關係。
As time goes by, the development of structuralism has enabled myths and story texts to form relevant theories from a narrative perspective. Structuralism laid down by Claude Levi-Strauss not only affects philosophy, but also psychology, anthropology, and sociology. It also caused huge influences in literature and art. The purpose of contemporary design is to maintain human survival. In the era of information explosion, it is very important to convey effective messages and eliminate misinformation and disinformation. As a result, the author first assumed that ROC armed force have much document to transmit government orders. Second, it is assumed that they use publicity as the main carrier of information. Third, the publicity of ROC armed force has no actual innovation and breakthrough in narrative design. Through the hypothesis of “‘What If’ Narrative Design Structure in Military Publicity” as the core theory, it can convey effective information and eliminate misinformation and disinformation. The argument goal of this research is to confirm that audience can receive government’s order through the military publicity created by the form of narrative design structure. From the perspective of “narratology” focusing on conveying messages to achieve different purposes and effectiveness, the author further used narrative design to interpret the design structure and explore research that can convey messages effectively; the author analyzed military publicity as the carriers to convey ROC armed force orders, and the effectiveness of military publicity to the audience is verified from the perspective of narrative design. Through research and the “what if” perspective in “‘What If’ narrative design framework” combined with “military publicity”, we explore “what if” thinking creates a narrative design structure that innovate military publicity and promote the possibilities of textual information.
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