文創商品之感質特性探討/ Qualia Characteristics of Cultural and Creative Products

顏惠芸 Yen Hui-Yun, 林伯賢 Lin Po-Hsien, 林榮泰 Lin Rungtai


SONY前執行長出井伸之認為,以量與規模取決勝負的二十世紀,產品製造當然講究成本績效 及合理性,然而二十一世紀的創新不再以大小或是數量為指標,產品想在市場上獲勝,需與 感質「QUALIA」息息相關。隨著時代演進,台灣經濟部於 2009 開始實施感質中小企業推動計畫, 以及文化創意產業發展法於 2010 催生成功,台灣相關工藝產業,開始轉型為文化創意產業,並創 建自有品牌。因此利用我們得天獨厚的文化優勢,結合創意、設計並注重感質特性呈現,是台灣文 創產品強化文化創意產業的重要因素。因此,本研究以意象調查、資料分析及結果推料為基礎,藉 由感質量表分析「台灣文創精品獎」作品,以了解當今台灣文創產品的設計表現。研究結果發現:(1) 感質特性越明顯之產品,消費者對該產品的喜好度越高,因此當今文創產品之設計,應適時納入感 質特性的考量;(2) 文創產品除具備感質特性的物理性的功能面,更須突顯感性的心理面向,這是 文創產品不同於一般產品的主要特色;(3) 文創產品未來之設計語彙,應朝向設計簡潔俐落、時尚 現代的外型,讓「魅力」、「美感」與「創意」等特性,以滿足不同族群的需求。本研究目前僅針 對兩岸青年調查,大多數作品因受測者具有相同的大中華背景,因此對於文創作品所傳達的文化意 涵,皆有相似的理解。本研究的結論可以提供作為後續研究的參考來源,後續研究將可往文創產品 之品牌形象、本土風格國際化、市場接受度等方面作更深入的研究及探討。 


The former Chief Executive Officer of Sony Corporation, Nobuyuki Idei, believes that particular care had to be devoted to cost performance and reasonableness in twentieth-century product manufacturing, in which the outcome depended on the quantity and scale. However, size and quantity are no longer indicators of innovation in the twenty-first century. The success of a product in the market is closely related to “qualia.” The Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan began implementing a qualia advancement project for small and medium enterprises in 2009. In 2010, a law regarding the development of the cultural and creative industries was passed. Since then, craft-related industries in Taiwan have begun to transform into cultural and creative industries and create their own brands. Consequently, leveraging unique cultural strengths, integrating creativity, and emphasizing qualia traits during design stages are crucial factors of cultural and creative products that reinforce the development of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan. Thus, this study involved conducting an image survey and data analysis and used reasoning results as well as a qualia scale to analyze works that won a Taiwanese Cultural and Creative Award and, thus, understand the current design performance of cultural and creative products in Taiwan. The results indicated that the more qualia traits a product features, the more likely consumers desire the product. Thus, quality traits should be considered in the design of contemporary cultural and creative products. In addition, cultural and creative products must elicit psychological responses, which differentiate cultural and creative products from general products. Finally, the design concept for cultural and creative products should progress toward conciseness, neatness, and contemporary, stylish configurations and feature traits such as charm, beauty, and creativity to satisfy the needs of various consumer groups. Only Taiwanese and Chinese youth were surveyed in this study. Because all subjects shared the Great Chinese backgrounds, they comprehended the cultural implications conveyed by most of the cultural and creative works similarly. The conclusion of this study can be used as a reference for follow-up studies. The brand images of cultural and creative products, the internationalization of indigenous styles, and market acceptance can be investigated and discussed in greater detail in future research.






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