產品造形意象的性別屬性認知研究/Cognitive Research of Product Characteristics with Gender Awareness

王明堂 Ming Tang Wang


在功能漸漸接近的競爭激烈產業中,如何打造給不同性別族群的產品造形設計 已經成為一個趨勢,也是產業可能獲得優勢的策略之一。隨著資訊強烈刺激 下,兩性在心理及生理上不停地演進,如何找出產品造形的性別屬性,作為設計更 符合消費者需求的產品。甚至如果想除去性別象徵的造形印象,該如何追求「兩性 皆宜」的設計。邀請 8 位工業設計研究生參與腦力激盪,從「SET」中得到 30 個項 目做為趨勢的內容,並尋找相關的產品圖片。經 t 檢定及篩選後進行因素分析,精 簡成七個產品造形構念認知:生活裝飾感、理性技術感、輕鬆移動感、節能方便感、 誇張功能感、簡潔名牌感、高級感。統整各構念認知感覺結果為:(1)生活裝飾感 及輕鬆移動感則為偏女性認知意象;(2)誇張功能感則為偏向男性的認知意象;(3) 簡潔名牌感、高級感則為中性偏女認知意象,(4)理性技術感、節能方便感則為中 性偏男的造形認知意象。作為進行產品造形設計時,來作為掌握造形性別屬性的參考。 


In the tough competitive industries, the trend has been to create products that are gender selective. Following this trend in the industries, some products are gaining strength using gender specific strategies. With the intense stimulation during this cyber information exploration period, psychological and physiological impacts continue to play a part in the way products are created. Product designs are in line to meet the demands of the consumers of both genders. Some designs are even developed to check how the gender-neutral products are accepted by either male or female. For this research project, eight Industrial Design graduate students were invited to participate in the brainstorming session. The session includes 30 products with content designs and related product pictures. After the t-test and screen factor analysis, seven criteria were formed to critique the products. They include: sense of living comfort appearance, sense of tech savvy, sense of easy moving, energy-efficient feeling, exaggerated functioning capabilities, elegant name-brand recognition, and classy impression. The results of this investigation are as follows: (1) Sense of living comfort appearance and easy moving: cognition of female preference; (2) Sense of exaggerated functioning capabilities: cognition of male preference; (3) Sense of elegant name-brand recognition and classy impression: cognition of neutral with slight more female preference; (4) Sense of tech savvy and Energy-efficient feeling: cognition of neutral with slight more male preference. This study provides references for product development in how to determine gender preference towards. 


因素分析; 產品造形認知; 產品性別屬性; 關懷設計




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