不同涉入程度的玩家對精靈寶可夢遊戲中具體設計特質的認知差異/Cognition difference between players of different involvement toward the concrete design features in the game of Pokémon GO

陳怡貞 Yi-Chen Chen, 李學然 Shyue-Ran Li


為了探討Pokémon GO玩家的抽象感受,以及對應於玩家在實際操作時,所用使用的功能及介面的具體設計特質,本研究以魅力工學與評價構造法為理論基礎,深度訪談20位達人玩家後,獲得38個遊戲的具體設計特質及6個原始評價項目;另外,運用CIP量表把233位受測者分成高中低三個涉入群體,採用複迴歸分析找出不同涉入程度的玩家是否對遊戲的具體設計特質有不同的認知,研究結果證實不同的涉入群體確實有不同的認知差異存在,只對高涉入群體有顯著差異影響的特質有:「寶可夢的造型模擬真實生物成長,如蝌蚪變青蛙等」;只對中涉入群體有顯著差異影響的特質有:「設有補給站,玩家靠近才能獲得補給道具」、「生物進化有精彩的特效動畫」等;只對低涉入群體有顯著差異影響的特質有:「寶可夢造型可愛」、「道館攻佔的機制讓玩家結盟」等,但也有共通影響的部分,包含:「除了捕捉之外,還可以孵蛋來獲得寶可夢」與「訓練寶可夢可以與其他寶可夢對戰並攻佔道館」等具體設計特質。最終,希望透過這個案例,來建立一個取得遊戲具體設計特質的過程,結果可作為未來擴增實境遊戲設計決策時的方向調整與創新方式。


In order to explore the abstract feelings and the specific design features of the functions and interfaces operated by the game players of Pokémon GO, this study, based on Miryoku Engineering and the Evaluation Grid Method, interviewed 20 frequent users to get 38 concrete features of game design and six original evaluations items of game design; Moreover, 233 subjects were divided into high, medium, and low involvement groups according to CIP measures, and then this study used Multiple Regression analysis to determine whether players with different levels of involvement had different perceptions of the design features of Pokémon GO. The results found that there were many perception differences in different involvement groups. The design feature significantly influencing only high-involvement group was “Pokémon characters which exhibit real biological growth, such as tadpoles becoming frogs”.  Ones influencing only medium-involvement group were “The designed supply stations to which players must get near in order to obtain items”, “Wonderful special effects when Pokémon evolve”, and so on. Ones influencing only low-involvement group were “The cute Pokémon characters”, “The designs of conquering gyms to make players form alliances”, and so on. Only two concrete design features significantly influenced all three groups:“Hatching eggs to get Pokémon, in addition to catching wild Pokémon” and “The designs of training Pokémon to battle other Pokémon and conquer gyms”. This study builds a process obtaining concrete design features of mobile games through this case and the results can serve as an orientation and innovation during design decision-making in Augmented Reality games.






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