智慧手持式裝置在互動介面中不同感官設計要素與感性意象的初探 / A Preliminary Study on Kansei Images and Design Elements Associated with Varied Sensory Channels for the Interactive Interface of SHD

黃國樑 Kuo-Liang Huang, 陳國祥 Kuohsiang Chen


智慧手持式裝置(Smart handheld devices, SHD)已成為後 PC 時代的主流產品,為了落實以人為本的理念,本文旨在找出 SHD 互動介面設計中,不同感官通道(視覺、聽覺、振動覺)設計要素與感性意象間關聯性,藉以增強使用者與產品之間互動感性的體驗價值與使用經驗(user experience)。研究中首先透過感性工學的手法,萃取不同感官通道中主要的設計要素與感性語彙(Kansei words);接著,透過實驗法,由受試者接受實驗樣本刺激後,以語意差異量表進行主觀感性評價,將兩者間之相互關係加以定量化;最後,以數量化I類技術,建立各感官通道的設計要素與感性意象之關聯性。研究結果包括:萃取 SHD 使用者互動介面中,視覺、聽覺、振動覺之感性代表性語彙與設計要素;建立視覺、聽覺、振動覺各設計素與感性意象之關係。根據本研究不同感官通道、設計要素以及感性語彙相關結果,產品設計師在發展互動介面階段,能迅速掌握設計重點,縮短與使用者對產品感覺認知的差距,並在互動介面設計意象上有更細緻、精準的掌握與融入,以提升產品帶給使用者的體驗價值。

Smart handheld devices (SHD) have become the mainstream product in the post-PC era.To implement the human-centered concept, this study focused onthe interactive interface of SHD, attempting to identify the relationship between Kansei (affective) images and design elements associated with different sensory channels (i.e.,visual, auditory, and vibratory senses). Thus,in terms of the interaction between users and products, Kansei experiential value sand user experience would be enhanced. First, through Kansei engineering techniques, the authors extracted main design elements related to different sensory channels and Kansei vocabulary. Then, after being stimulated by the experiment samples, the participants subjectively evaluated design elements and Kansei vocabulary in accordance with semantic differential scales, quantifying their relationship. Lastly, applying Quantification Theory Type I, the authors determined the above-mentioned relationship. Our findings include the following: 1) extracting typical Kansei vocabulary and design elements associated with different sensory channels concerning the interactive interface of SHD, 2) establishing the relationship between Kansei images and design elements associated with different sensory channels. This study presents some findings about different sensory channels, design elements as well as Kansei vocabulary. While developing an interactive interface, product designers can be assisted by those findings to quickly grasp its design focus and to bridge the sensational and cognitive gap between designers and users concerning the product. Moreover, designers will appreciate and integrate the design image of the interactive interface more meticulously, eventually enhancing its experiential values offered to users. 




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