以在地識別意象探討產品之認同與偏好 / A study on product design with local culture features and its effect on product identity and preference

曹永慶 Yung-Chin Tsao, 廖卿枝 Ching-Chih Liao




The purpose of this study was to determine how products carrying local cultural images created a perception of identity and preference among participants. Moreover, this study explored whether different products employed with the same pattern designs affected participant’s perception, and justify a hypothesis that aesthetic was a key factor on product identity and product preference. Cultural attributes from Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden in Taiwan were extracted and developed into design patterns which were then implemented into rattan sofa cushions and handbags for further investigating with product image identity and preference. Using thesemanticdifferential methodand treating with principal factor analysis, cluster analysis and multiple regression analysis, results showed that the product images perceived by the participants for the two products could be classified into three distinct factors: local identity, aesthetic value and uniqueness. The primary factor for enhancing both product identity and preference was the aesthetic value instead of the local cultural identity. It was also found that the same patterns implemented into different products resulted in different perceptual responses in the participants. 




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