商務艙過夜包備品項目之屬性探討 / A Study of the Attributions of the Amenity Kit's Items for Business Class

陳淳迪 Chun-Di Chen, 陳宥璇 You-Shiuan Chen





This study applies the Kano model to explore the consumers' satisfaction with the items in business-class amenity kits, to propose the suggestions for the modifications to the item collection. The on-line questionnaire survey includes the personal background and 15 item preferences-related questions composed by Kano model, in which the items were classified into basics, skincare, and others. The fourth bonus item classification was also added to the preference study. Totally, 226 valid questionnaires were collected, and the results indicate that the 15 kinds of items could be classified into attractive, indifferent, and must-be attributes, and gender could significantly impact whether satisfaction or not if fulfillment or unfulfillment some items. The satisfaction/dissatisfaction index demonstrates that toothbrush sets and most skincare items are highly-sensitive. Accordingly, this research proposed forward suggestions on the item adjustments from the aspects of the attribution of items, gender, bonus items, and highly sensitive attribute in Kano.






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