脈絡地圖法於感性設計探討:以飲食習慣改變之勸誘科技開發為例 / Contextmapping as a Tool for Kansei Design: A Case Study on Persuasive Installation for Dietary Change

游曉貞 Hsiao-Chen You, 陳怡璇 Yi-Hsuan Chen, 鄧怡莘 Yi-Shin Deng


隨著整合設計與科技以影響人類行為和生活的新設計思維的興起,今日設計師思考的議題除了一般認知的設計專業工作,像是提出符合市場品味、產品機能與量產製造的產品形貌之外,還逐漸擴及使用經驗、服務設計與企業意象,甚至負起敦促民眾進行正向行為改變的社會使命,設計解答因為設計議題的轉向與大量「非物質化」的設計元素的使用而有巨大的改變。特別是互動性產品,由於使用者的經驗感受會隨著脈絡的不同而呈現動態變化,在處理強調互動性的勸誘科技議題時,傳統的感性工學方法,特別是透過意象語彙與型態要素的關係的探索,來建立使用者對靜態產品感受的設計知識庫以供後續設計諮詢、分析與推論等的程序,在此類創新產品的開發應用上就有所限制。近年「脈絡地圖法」(Contextmapping)逐漸盛行於強調使用者經驗的設計領域,此法主要是透過使用者參與的「創成技術」(Generative Technique)、「文化探針」(Cultural Probe)與共同設計(Codesign)工作坊的規劃,協助設計者深入理解使用者與產品互動過程的情境脈絡與動態經驗歷程,並將這些訊息視覺化、變成設計師可以利用的設計資源,有助於提出符合使用者經驗需求與期待的產品。因此本研究採用脈絡地圖法於促進正向飲食行為的勸誘裝置的設計程序,以探討此一方法於感性經驗訴求之互動設計的潛在應用可能。本研究步驟主要有三:(1)透過脈絡地圖法探索使用者飲食習慣改變的經驗與需求;(2)根據參與者所提出的各式資料與經驗紀錄,萃取改變其飲食習慣之因素並提出影響行為之設計原則,據此提出促使正向飲食習慣之互動裝置概念;(3)透過使用者評估與訪談來檢視成果,並探討其效益。本研究發現透過脈絡地圖法的確有助於釐清影響人們行為改變的因素與呈現他們對未來設計解答的經驗期許。最後,本文並因應強調產品互動經驗的設計趨勢,提出未來感性研究與設計的可能方向。

In recent years, the concept of Design Thinking has given rise to one of the most fundamental changes that designers should be held responsible for problematic user behaviors and influence human behaviors and attitudes through designs and technologies. In order to design the products corresponding to user experiences and expectations, designers should investigate the interactive experiences of users, identify key issues that can affect user behaviors, draw design insights and design principles, then transform them into design solutions to create positive impact and further improve their quality of life, and fulfill users’ emotional requirements at the same time. However, current Kansei Engineering approach has its limitations; it can’t tackle design issues such as use context and dynamic emotional change in interactive system. This study aims to gain insights into affective and persuasive installation design by using contextmapping techniques, and unfolds potential expansion points for Kansei design. By using healthful dietary change as a case study, participants were recruited and their diet-changing experiences were captured and analyzed. Codesign workshops were conducted, and three design concepts were proposed to illustrate how findings from contextmapping study could be transformed into playful and affective installations for user behavior change. Finally, perspectives underline the potential direction of Kansei design for future applications are also provided. 




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